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The ENTREHUBS project aimed to address key challenges in EE by promoting a broader understanding of its value creation approach among educators. A primary objective was the establishment of the ENTREHUBS INTERDISCIPLINARY AND COLLABORATIVE MODEL, fostering awareness and adoption of EE as a flexible methodology relevant across disciplines.

Another central goal was to INTEGRATE EE IN NON-BUSINESS DEPARTMENTS. This involved equipping educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively embed ΕΕ into their teaching through the VALUE CO-CREATION HUBS approach, leading to overcoming misconceptions about EE and ensuring its relevance for diverse learning contexts. .

ENTREHUBS also sought to PILOT ITS INNOVATIVE APPROACH through the development and delivery of an ONLINE SUMMER SCHOOL course. By promoting co-creation between educators, students, and businesses, the project aimed to develop entrepreneurial skills among students while strengthening academia-business links. Additionally, the project aimed to contribute to the broader EU discourse on EE by disseminating its results through targeted events, online presence and publications, advocating for a more inclusive and practical approach to entrepreneurship in HEIs.